The Super Skype

Children from Josephine's Class had a splendid time today being greeted and serenaded in English by lots of wonderfully dressed pupils and teachers in Winnweiller who were celebrating Carnival/Shrove Tuesday. It gave us a flavour of how this feast is celebrated in Germany and we were delighted to be a part of it. The star of the show was undoubtably Erbs who was dressed as a Native American complete with a feather head dress. What fun we all had.

Weather Report, January 2013, Bucharest, Romania

My name is Dora, I was the weather reporter in January. In the first two weeks the weather was cold and snowy. The coldest day was January 9th, when the lowest temperature was -14 degrees Celsius. Then it became nice and sunny, warmer than usually. The warmest day was January 21st, with a maximum of +13 degrees. The average temperature was 5 degrees.

Weather Report - January 2013 - Ireland

Here is the weather report for January 2013 from Navan, Ireland!!

My name is Omo. I am the weather reporter. The weather in Navan, Ireland for January was wet and cold. The lowest temperature was 1 degrees celcius. The highest temperature was 9 degrees celcius. The average temperature was 5 degrees celcius. The average recorded rainfall was 58mm.


Yesterday, the 30th of january, we celebrated the school day of the peace.. San Agustin's School has organized an activity with the children of primary education. Children have spoken about the importance of living in peace and the creation of a world without violence.


Children in Marisú´s class made a list of important healthy things to do and to eat.. They looked for information on internet and they read it . They talked about how important healthy habits are. They talked about the Food Pyramid and the food we need in a balanced diet. They learnt that Keeping fit and heallthy is important for us to grow, be strong, have energy and keep illness away. Then they made a booklet with pictures.


Students in first-grade are working hard in physical education. They are six years old and they are doing balance games. As we see in the pictures they have a great time playing with stilts or imitating the tightrope.

Comenius Meeting in Winnweiler from the 5th to the 9th day of December

After the meetings in Bukarest (Rumania), Nevan (Ireland), Drammen (Norway) and Ceuta (Spain) the 5th meeting was set up in Winnweiler.
The whole school welcomed 14 teachers from the four partner schools on the sixth December 2012. We greeted the guests in the assembly hall, where everyone waited with great excitement. Their visit released joy and everyone sung the song “Little Europeans”/”Kleine Euopäer”.

Meeting in Winnweiler: photos!

Meeting in Winnweiler: more photos!

Comenius Team at San Agustín School, Ceuta

“Over the rainbow to Europe”- The five –colour land.

Comenius Team at San Agustín School, Ceuta

Alvaro Martín Fuente: Secondary Education teacher, born in Palencia. Headteacher until August 2012 and one of the original members of the team, now head of another school, near Madrid.

Mª Jesús Hoyos Pérez (aka Marisú): Comenius Project Coordinator in our school. Primary Education teacher, English specialist, qualified to teach in Secondary as well. Year 6 Form Tutor this year. Born in Ceuta, she has worked at San Agustín since 1991.


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